Aptos (APT) CEO Ends Controversial Token Economy: Even Fairer than Ethereum (ETH)

Mo Shaikh, CEO of Aptos, defended the token economy, which caused the community backlash, saying it was much fairer than other projects.

CEO Mo Shaikh In a statement to CoinDesk, the token distribution much fairer than other projects argued that. Shaikh, the new layer-1 (layer-1) Contrary to criticism from the community of blockchain Aptos Ethereum (ETH) He claimed that it has a healthier token economy than other projects including

Aptos released its APT token to its first network testers in October, but concerns about the distribution of the tokens have been felt ever since. Main by token economy participants, investors and aptos Foundation extracted 1 billion tokens almost half of took. This means that investors and the foundation can potentially liquidate their tokens, which unfavorable market pricing raising concerns.

Aptos CEO made the following statements:

When designing the token economy, our goal was to create something that fairly represented the community. If you look at our token distribution, you’ll see that we have the lowest distribution of all blockchains for investors. Aptos is one of the fairest projects we’ve seen, even compared to other projects.

Although CEO Shaikh claims that they are better than many projects in terms of token economy, especially Ethereum’s supply is only limited. 9.9% of founding team and 9.9% of in Ethereum to the Foundation known to be separated. Dedicated to this Aptos team significant inconsistency compared to 50%. it reveals.

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