Apple Reveals How Many Suspicious Transactions It Stopped in the App Store

Apple announced the total amount of suspicious transactions it has blocked in its app store to date.

in 2008 Apple App Store One of the issues that the Cupertino technology giant has been working on since it entered our lives is the security of applications and preventing their abuse by malicious people. Stating that it uses special tools and technologies in this regard, Apple said: In the period 2020-2023 It also disclosed the total amount of suspicious transactions it blocked.

According to the statement from the company, Apple will make a total loss in the 2020-2023 period. $7 billion While blocking suspicious transactions, more than $1.8 billion of this amount came from blocked transactions in 2023. During this period, Apple blocked 14 million stolen credit cards and more than 3.3 million accounts.

They couldn’t pass Apple’s checks

According to the fraud prevention analysis report published by the company, last year 1.7 million applications, They were not included in the App Store because they did not meet the App Store’s strict privacy, confidentiality and content standards. Apple’s fight against counterfeiting and fraud in its store close to 374 million Developer and user accounts have been blocked.

In the statement of the technology giant, it was stated that in addition to the accounts of developers who developed harmful or non-standard applications, individual accounts used for fraud were also closed. According to the company, these accounts are mostly set up as bots. to write fake reviews or create manipulation being created.

Apple has been highlighting its fight against counterfeiting more frequently lately. Again App Store The feature of being the only market in the Apple ecosystem will be broken by the pressure of the USA and the EU, and the company, in a way, creates confidence in its own market with such statements.


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