Apple, Miele, Siemens: Russia continues to import products

iPhone via the gray market

Western items like the Apple smartphone are still sold in Moscow.

(Photo: imago/ITAR-TASS)

Riga, Dusseldorf Western products continue to come to Russia, although many companies have withdrawn from the country. Russia has legalized so-called parallel imports of more than 50 product groups. This is what is called imports without the consent of the manufacturer, which are usually processed via third countries that have not imposed any sanctions.

A corresponding law of the State Duma from the end of June is valid until the end of the year. Russia had already created the legal basis in March with a regulation.

Many German manufacturers are also on the list of products approved in this way: cars and spare parts from Mercedes, Volkswagen, Tesla, ZF or Continental, household appliances from Miele and Philips, smartphones from Apple and Samsung, adhesives from Henkel or products used for the operation of Production systems or trains are required, such as those produced by Siemens or Bosch.

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