Apple Announced Still ‘Holding a Hatred’ Against Google

According to the former Apple engineer’s statement to the Financial Times, Apple continues to hold a grudge against Google. This grudge is rooted in Steve Jobs’ experiences with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

The decades-long rivalry between the two biggest names in the technology world, Google and Apple, continues today. Although both companies make references to each other in their advertisements and statements from time to time, this competition was in the public eye until the last few years. It was much closer to ‘hostility’.

So much so that even Apple’s founder and former CEO, Steve Jobs, used very striking expressions for Android. the past day Financial Times The new information obtained by Apple showed that Apple continues this hostility from the inside.

Let’s first recall the words of Steve Jobs:

“If necessary, I will take my last breath and spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank to right this wrong. I will destroy Android because it is a stolen product. I am ready to enter a thermonuclear war for this.”

From the biography of Steve Jobs published by Simon & Shuster. Jobs made this comment by Eric Schmidt He did so after leaving the Apple Board of Directors to continue as Google CEO. Schmidt was in senior management at both Apple and Google at the same time.

Apple still maintains this hostility:

Apple engineer, who spoke to the Financial Times and whose name was not shared, said that since the day this event occurred, Apple You still hold a grudge against Google explained. So much so that Apple is still trying to beat Google.silent war‘ continues to do so.

This battle is not going on publicly, it is with Apple developing competitors to Google products. In fact, we have seen signs of this before in the past.

  • It launched its own Maps service in 2012 and removed Google Maps, which comes standard on iPhones.
  • Google’s competitor search engine development (One of the topics that has been silent for a long time, this was the last time it came up.)
  • In fact, reducing Google’s advertising revenues with privacy policy changes.

Pointing out that he will establish his own advertising network with the job posting he opened in the summer of last year. Google hired Keith Weisburg for this job. Weisurg has spent over 10 years at Google and YouTube, and has also worked at Amazon.

It’s hard to predict whether Apple will be victorious in its battle against Google. But according to Insider Intelligence analyst Andrew Lipsman, Apple’s latest steps on the ad, search engine and map fronts mean:

“Alphabet’s (Google’s parent company) position on iOS is more vulnerable than ever before.”

So what do you think? Do you think Apple will be able to achieve Steve Jobs’ goal?

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