Apple Added iPhone 5s to the Old Product Category

Apple added the iPhone 5s, which it first released in 2013, to the old product category. So this phone will no longer receive official hardware support.

US-based technology giant Apple, one of the legendary phones of its time, iphone 5s made an important decision regarding The company has now put this smartphone in the “old” category. In line with this decision, if you have an iPhone 5s, you will receive an official notification from Apple. You will not get hardware support.

iPhone 5s, released on September 20, 2013, was a legendary model for that time. Touch ID is integrated with the fingerprint reader sensor first iPhonewas. The phone, which allowed shooting slow-motion videos in HD resolution, had a 4-inch screen. Here it is for this smartphone end of the road came we can say.

All iPhones that Apple has classified as obsolete so far:

  • iPhone
  • iPhone 3G
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 4S
  • iPhone 5C
  • iphone 5s
  • iPhone 6 Plus


Everyone says “I wish it would come out!” Why Was This iPhone Never Produced?

Let’s say that Apple’s decision is not very surprising. After all, the iPhone 5s is almost 11 years ago was released and has received hardware support to date. Considering the market conditions, this is quite enough time We can easily say that it is.

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