Announced How Many Cars were Sold in September

Automotive Distributors Association (ODD) announced the sales figures for September, which reveal a serious contraction in the automotive industry. According to the statement, only 57 thousand 141 automotive units were sold in September. This sales amount means a 36.9 percent contraction compared to the same period of the previous year.

Automotive Distributors Association (ODD), announced automotive sales data for September. The announced data reveal that automotive sales came to a near standstill in September. Although 57 thousand 141 automotive sales were made during the last month, when we compare this data with September of last year, shrinkage of 36.9 percent we see that.

According to ODD data, in September 43 thousand 408 cars sale took place. This amount of sales means that there was a 39.1 percent decrease on an annual basis. 13 thousand 733 light commercial vehicles sales corresponds to a decrease of 28.9 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The data released are in the automotive markets. even exceeding expectations an indication of a regression.

Detail of the data

The data announced by the Automotive Distributors Association presents a remarkable detail about the month of September. So that last month 57 thousand 141 automotive sales, lower than the average of the past 10 years. September for the past 10 years, from September 2021 8.3 percent it was more.


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Although it was a very bad September in the automotive sector, when we look at the whole year A better table than 2020 we encounter. So much so that a total of 558 thousand 145 automotive sales were carried out between January and September 2021. This figure reveals a 13.1% growth compared to the previous year. This is because of the coronavirus pandemic. transition to the normalization process

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