Android Updates Won’t Be Delayed on Discord

Discord, which has offered its updates to the latest Android device users so far, will put an end to this situation with a move it will make in the near future. Android users will also receive updates simultaneously.

Designed as a very original communication portal, Discord has undergone great changes since its first release and gained many new features. Those who are the last to experience these features are usually always Android There were those who used Discord on it.

Discord in the upcoming period, in the Android app It will make some radical changes and updates. Thus, users of the platform on Android will be able to receive updates at the same time as those using iOS and desktop versions.

Android users will smile

Discord, which published a blog post on the subject, “Historically, the Android implementation of new features is generally the (adaptation) of iOS and desktop. next was happening, as a result of which some features were released on one platform before they were eventually released on another.‘ he said.

Traditionally, updates to iOS devices first It is known to be a very common occurrence. After the features are tested in this environment, which has less variation, it is also offered to the Android environment, where there is much more variety. Discord, on the other hand, will now be able to make Android updates at the same time, thanks to its new React Native.

It was made open source by Meta in 2015. React Native, was already used for the iOS version of the app. With React Native, Discord’s features and design will become closer and more consistent across Android, iOS, and desktop. Because developers and engineers will not need to update different codebases for different devices.


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