Android 13 Version Will Increase Game Performance

A new one has been added to the information about the new version of Android that will delight the players today. With Android 13, CPU performance in games will be greatly increased.

Playing games, watching movies or TV series on the phone can be quite annoying in some cases. Especially many of us loading screen of some games we have to wait for a long time or we encounter problems such as stuttering and freezing in the game.

The new information about the new version of Android can be a light of hope for these problems we mentioned. Android 13 has a surprise feature discovered in the Developer Preview codes. those who like to play games on their phone It will make you very happy.

CPU performance in games will increase drastically

Especially when you enter a game such as PUBG, the applications that continue to run underneath cause you to wait for a very long time on the loading screen of the game or cause your computer’s performance to decrease significantly. Thanks to the new game state adjustment feature, which is expected to appear in Android 13, processes can be terminated with your open applications or ongoing downloads. This is your phone. By significantly increasing CPU performance It will greatly reduce our problems with the installation of the game, allowing us to have a pleasant gaming experience.


Improvements Coming to Updates with Android 13: You Will Not Have to Postpone the Update to Your Phone

And that’s not the only news from Android 13. There are some other developments that game developers as well as gamers will be very happy with this new version. With the new version, developers will have more say in the images of their games on users’ screens. Developers of their games Android users will be able to see how they look and make fine adjustments to the graphics and play games in the look they want. can present. This will allow both developers to offer the quality graphics they want and the players to play better-looking games.

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