Anatolian Leopard – Information About the Snow Leopard

Although it is referred to as the snow leopard in different parts of the world, it is actually one of the most important symbols of Turkish culture since Central Asia, as it is a species unique to the geography we live in. Let’s get to know the endangered Anatolian leopard closely.

Anatolian geography is perhaps one of the regions with the largest habitat in the world. As Turks, we did not have any difficulties when we came to this region as it has similarities with Central Asia. Culturally, it’s not surprising to see many similarities. For example, the snow leopard is also called Although the Anatolian leopard is based in Anatolia, since it spreads to wide Asia, It is one of the important symbols of the Turks.

Unfortunately, the life of the Anatolian leopard is under great threat due to hunting. However, this living It has such a precious place to be considered sacred in both Anatolian and Turkish culture. Let’s take a closer look at the snow leopard, the Anatolian leopard, which is brave enough to live alone on high slopes, brave enough to hunt alone, and strong enough not to be hunted by anyone, and let’s see its interesting features.

Interesting features of the Anatolian leopard, also known as the snow leopard:

  • The snow leopard is one of the largest of its kind.
  • There are thousands of years old pictures of snow leopards at Çatalhöyük.
  • The Anatolian leopard can jump “high enough to approach God”.
  • In the 16th century, a map was made showing the places where the Anatolian leopard lived in detail.
  • It can hunt animals much larger than itself.
  • It takes place in the Turkish calendar with 12 animals.
  • The last Anatolian leopard was thought to have been killed in Ankara.

The snow leopard is one of the largest of its kind:

The snow leopard, the Anatolian leopard, is considered a species of Persian leopard found in the Middle East and Western Asia. However, in the region much larger than similar species. The Anatolian leopard has an average length of 200 – 250 cm and a weight of up to 70 kilograms. The average lifespan of this creature is thought to be 20 years. Its thick fur, which has gray and yellowish tones, has gray and black spots.

There are thousands of years old pictures of snow leopards at Çatalhöyük:


Çatalhöyük, located in the provincial borders of Konya in our country, gives us information about our ancestors who lived 9 thousand years ago. that period It was built by people who lived in Central Anatolia. It is possible to encounter the Anatolian leopard, often known as the snow leopard, in the wall paintings and the remains of sculptures in Çatalhöyük, a campus.

Located in Çatalhöyük Anatolian leopard paintings and figures, It also reveals the historical journey of this creature. Although there are dozens of different civilizations established and destroyed in Anatolia, the fact that the snow leopard is always here makes us understand why it is considered sacred in many cultures, including Turks.

The Anatolian leopard can jump “high enough to approach God”:

Anatolian leopard, snow leopard

The Anatolian leopard has a long tail that is rarely seen. Thanks to this tail, it provides incredible balance. Its tail also protects the Anatolian leopard from harsh climatic conditions. Thanks to the balance provided by the tail It can jump up to 50 meters high. This is one of the reasons why it is an important symbol in Turkish culture.

In the culture of Turks who believe in Gök Tengri, animals living close to the sky are often considered sacred. The Anatolian leopard, which lives at such high altitudes that many creatures have difficulty even standing, is also able to jump so high. He was considered close to God by the Turks.

In the 16th century, a map was made showing the places where the Anatolian leopard lived in detail:

Anatolian leopard, snow leopard

It is thought that the habitat of the Anatolian leopard is Anatolia, Asia and the Middle East and has always lived in these regions throughout history. The fact that it is already encountered in ancient ruins is the biggest proof of this. However, this creature known as the snow leopard About living in the Marmara region And we have important evidence.

There is an interesting detail in the Marmara Region Map, drawn by an important cartographer and geographer named Abraham Ortelius Flemish, who was born and died in Belgium in the 16th century. Dot by dot on this map Around Çanakkale and Bursa The regions where the Anatolian leopard lived at that time were marked. It is quite surprising to see how widespread this creature, which is now endangered, was only a few centuries ago.

It can hunt animals much larger than itself:

Anatolian leopard, snow leopard

The Anatolian leopard is one of the strongest as well as the largest of its kind. Even animals that are 3 times their size in the regions where they are observed thanks to the strategies he applied patiently seen hunting. A snow leopard observed in a private national park has been observed to hunt and eat 5 blue sheep, 9 rabbits, 25 marmots, 5 goats, 1 sheep and 15 birds, also known as bhara, in a year.

When we consider all these different types and sizes of animals We see the power and abilities of the snow leopard. Thanks to his strong muscles, he can hunt animals much larger than himself, small animals thanks to his agility, and even birds with his balanced and high jumps.

It takes place in the Turkish calendar with 12 animals:

Turkish calendar with 12 animals

The Turkish calendar with 12 animals, which is one of the calendars used by the Turks throughout history, has been used by many societies in Asia, including China. arranged by year Each animal in the Turkish calendar with 12 animals is considered to be meaningful in Turkish culture.

In the Turkish calendar with 12 animals; mouse, bull, rabbit, fish or dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig and of course the Anatolian leopard. The names of the animals were used as the names of the years, and each had its own special meaning. Pars year means assertiveness and quarrel. Considering that important raids were left to this period.

The last Anatolian leopard was thought to have been killed in Ankara:

Anatolian leopard, snow leopard

The only enemy of such a strong, talented and valuable animal would be humans anyway. Sorry, snow leopard The biggest enemy of the Anatolian leopard is the hunters. It is known that he was killed even by poisoning because his fur was valuable. Until recently, it was thought that the last Anatolian leopard was killed in Ankara’s Beypazarı district in 1974.

This creature, which is known to be found in different regions, was thought to be completely extinct in our country. Until an article published in May 2021. In this article, photos of Anatolian leopards taken on Mount Cudi in Şırnak were shared. It is thought that the same creature is present in 3 different photos taken with camera traps in 2018 and 2019. In the past few days, İhlas News Agency (İHA) shared some images. An Anatolian Leopard, thought to be extinct in Turkey, was featured in these images.


Anatolian Leopard, Thought to be Extinct, Spotted for the First Time in Years [Video]

It has an important place in Turkish, Asian and Anatolian culture. We talked about interesting information about the snow leopard, the Anatolian leopard. and we tried to get to know this creature a little more closely. You can share your thoughts about the Anatolian leopard, one of the most valuable symbols of our culture, in the comments.

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