Analyst Who Knows Bitcoin (BTC): November and December Levels!

According to the famous analyst PlanB, there are some indications that will point to the top of the Bitcoin bull market. We turn to the details of this analysis.

When will the Bitcoin rally end?

Quantitative crypto analyst PlanB says he is not worried about predicting the full market cycle of Bitcoin (BTC). In an interview with Will Clemente, the analyst says that Bitcoin’s current position is not in a bear market or the end of a FOMO bull market. He argues that BTC is somewhere in between right now, but still not interested in predicting the exact peak of the bull market. Analyst: “I’m not interested in the top at all. When we get there, I know it. But I don’t know where, I’m not interested in that because I know it’s probably going to be a one-minute boost, right? I cannot operate on it. I couldn’t sell or buy at that price level. I’m more concerned with the general level – where it wanders,” he says.

PlanB says investors should look for supply shortages to gauge when Bitcoin’s top may come. Analyst: “I look at it at the chain level and then you see this shortage escalate until the moment it occurs. “We are still months away from that moment of explosion.” The analyst thinks that BTC is still 3-6 months away from its peak and potentially longer. PlanB: “I really don’t think a collapse is coming. I think we will see a bull market that lasts for at least six months and puts us in the $100,000-200,000 range. “I wouldn’t even be surprised at $500,000 in Bitcoin in early 2022,” he says. PlanB predicts that Bitcoin will rise to at least $98,000 by the end of November, then to $135,000 in December.

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