Analyst Says Bitcoin Will Receive 25 Thousand Dollars If Only This Happens: Not Likely!

Filbfilb, the founder of on-chain analysis platform Decentrader, stated that the probability of Bitcoin falling below 25 thousand dollars is very low and explained what could cause such a situation.

Filbfilb, founder of Decentrader 9 December day shared A post made a little more sense today. In this post, Filbfilb stated that the possibility of Bitcoin (BTC) falling below 25 thousand dollars is as low as the possibility of a global disaster.

With a global disaster Covid pandemic Referring to such a situation, the experienced name reiterated his belief that such a thing will not happen.

In the same post, the wish of the founder, who said that a solid correction has been expected for a while but this has not yet happened, is also included. With the decrease 2 days later, on December 11 happened:

Bitcoin falling below $25,000 is as unlikely as a global catastrophe. We have had a huge rally this year since $16k and a correction is expected, I would really like that. A deep FUD-driven correction would be great and is long overdue.

Analyst Says Bitcoin Will Receive 25 Thousand Dollars If Only This Happens: Not Likely! The article titled was prepared by Tugay Erdem and published on

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