Analyst Has Listed The Levels Solana (SOL) Will See for 9 Years!

A crypto analyst is making predictions that include Solana (SOL) levels by 2030. A popular crypto analyst sets long-term price targets for Solana, an Ethereum (ETH) competitor, based on optimistic predictions about the future of ETH. For details of the subject cryptocoin.comKeep watching.

“Solana will pass these roads”

In a new strategy session, analyst at InvestAnswers, the YouTube channel that hosts financial education, shares an Ethereum chart by Ryan Allis of Coinstack with his 410,000 subscribers. The chart shows significant increases in valuation for the leading smart contract platform over the next decade, especially starting from 2025. Based on this chart, InvestAnswers analyst predicts Solana levels by 2030. As can be seen in the table below, Solana estimates the levels that Solana will reach as follows: $ 935 in 2022, $ 1668 in 2023, $ 2233 in 2024, $ 5368 in 2025, $ 3400 in 2026, 3849 in 2027, in 2028 It forecasts $4248, $6655 in 2029 and $5503 in 2030.

Allis states that the ETH forecasting model is based on the belief that “all assets have an internal price derived from their benefits and cash flows,” and expects ETH’s cash flows to increase in the coming years. Next up, the InvestAnswers host discusses how to predict how the future valuation of the layer 1 blockchain protocol Solana (SOL) is intrinsically linked to Ethereum’s price action. InvestAnswers says:

If Ethereum is worth these numbers, I believe Solana or any tier-1 should be worth at least 20% of this market cap. I collected some numbers and got the Ethereum price target based on these patterns, I got the supply of Ethereum which is deflationary, so I estimate we will have around 110 million ETH by December 30 versus 119 million today. Then I calculate the market cap, if ETH goes to $12,500 it would be $1.5 trillion. Then I calculated SOL, dividing 20% ​​of this market value over all the different years by the supply of SOL, which is of course somewhat inflationary and increases 9.6% per year.

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The analyst states that while Solana is currently worth around 10% of Ethereum’s transaction price, if ETH meets the levels predicted above, SOL’s fair market value will double compared to ETH.

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