Analyst Announces 2 Altcoin Projects For Explosive Actions Expected!

While comparing the market structure of an altcoin project to the explosive price action of Avalanche (AVAX), a closely followed crypto analyst says there is a big move on the horizon for Ethereum rival Near. Bride, Let’s take a look at the technical analysis of analyst Cantering Clark, which we have compiled.

Cantering Clark shares why he expects bulls from NEAR

The crypto analyst nicknamed Cantering Clark says that Near, a developer-focused blockchain designed for scalability and stability, is poised to dispel resistance and ignite an upside move. The analyst details and interprets the price action with the following technical charts:

I think the last thing NEAR will do is break this decreasing cross resistance and the current week’s VAH (volume area high) and the next big move is happening fast.

If the breakout does occur, Cantering Clark predicts NEAR will rise at least 40% from its current price of $14.19:

See you over $20, but apparently they’re selling out early. FXS could reach $100, NEAR could reach $50.

We take a look at another analyst altcoin project

The crypto analyst is also optimistic about Harmony (ONE), a blockchain focused on powering a decentralized economy. According to Cantering Clark, ONE’s market structure resembles the price action of Avalanche before it exploded by about 140% from $59 to $140. The analyst shares the following technical charts for ONE:

Retesting ONE reminds me of a similar build from earlier. This is Avalanche (AVAX). The loss and recovery of the previous weekly context level, quarterly VWAP and 20-day moving average is complete. I am adding.

Analyst Announces Explosive 2 Altcoin Projects!

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