A company called Cosm has begun offering its customers in the US the opportunity to watch sports matches on a giant dome-shaped screen with its facilities. Images have shown that matches and other types of content can be watched from Cosm’s halls as if you were actually there.
Thanks to technological advances, we no longer have to go there to do something. We can experience an event in a different city as if we were there. Cosm A project launched by a startup called offers this kind of experience.
Cosm offers users different types of content, especially sports. from a giant screen This experience in special theaters gives viewers the feeling of actually being there.
You can watch sports matches as if you were in the field
*If you can’t view the video link here Click.
In the video above, you can see that an NFL game is being watched live in a hall of Cosm. The audience buys their tickets in advance and comes to this venue. You can also experience the ultra-realistic experience on the giant octagonal screen in the hall, which has a structure similar to a movie theater.
*If you can’t view the video link here Click.
During the match, images can be shown directly from the field. This allows the audience to watch while sitting at their tables. to feel like you’re really there The incredibly clear display of the screen also makes this easier. From NFL to NBA and UFC to football Matches from many different sports will be broadcast on this screen throughout the year. At the same time, content from genres other than sports will also be available to experience.
*If you can’t view the video link here Click.
Cosm’s salons are currently only available in the US In the cities of Los Angeles and Dallas The first theater opened in Los Angeles in June. The second recently arrived in Dallas. The company offers An 8K LED dome-shaped display with a radius of 26 meters The facility in Los Angeles was built on an area of 6 thousand square meters. In addition to this giant screen experience, different activities such as bars and restaurants are also offered.
Cosm’s prices are a bit expensive, as you might expect. It is the same price as the matches. There are even those who say so. The cost of watching a match starts around 50-100 dollars and can go up to 600-700 dollars. Of course, prices vary greatly depending on which sport and which league.
In short, Cosm’s technology is an indication of where the sports viewing experience will soon be. Although it is a bit expensive for now, it will become more accessible in the future when it becomes widespread. Thus, those who cannot actually attend the matches will be able to have an experience as if they were there.
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