An Antibiotic That Does Not Harm Beneficial Bacteria Has Been Discovered

Antibiotics killed all bacteria in the body under normal conditions. A newly discovered antibiotic will change this situation.

The general problem with the antibiotics used to date is that once they enter our body, they destroy bacteria without distinguishing between good and bad. That’s why antibiotics They are generally used together with additional drugs that can protect the intestinal fauna. However, these measures may not always be sufficient.

Sometimes this effect of antibiotics It can even prevent the damage caused by bacteria. For example, women are more susceptible to infections after using antibiotics. The antibiotic Iolamicin, developed by researchers at the University of Illinois, promises to solve this problem.

New hope against resistant bacteria

The group of bacteria called gram-negative bacteria, which causes a large amount of disease, is also the cause of diseases that are difficult to treat. Bacteria in this group cause infections in the intestines, lungs, kidneys and blood. Gram-negative bacteria, The resistance they develop over time causes alarm bells to ring.

In studies conducted in live rodents, Iolamicin was able to treat acute anemia and blood infections. to the gut microbiome It did not cause any harm.

The researchers now plan to continue their work to further develop these antibiotics and use them in human tests. In this way, millions of people around the world will be able to provide the treatment they need. Every year thousands of people Many people die due to diseases caused by these bacteria.

Research in nature published.


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