All Google services shut down in 2021

Technology giant Google includes many applications and services. If we tried to list all of them, the list would probably get long. Commonly used Google services To briefly mention; e-mail service gmailvideo surveillance platform YouTube and cloud storage service Drive’We can put it at the top of the list.

Google is as famous for the services it has closed as the services it has launched. The US-based company, which unplugged the services that could not reach a sufficient number of users, continued its tradition in 2021, as it does every year. Small or large, related to Google 23 applications and services last year, it got mixed up in the dusty pages of history.

Google pulled the plug on 21 years of service!

The Google Toolbar, which was released 21 years ago and provides easy search in the browser, has been unplugged.

We say goodbye to the Google Toolbar, which has been standing for 21 years

The closure of the Google Toolbar made the most noise last year. In Internet Explorer 5, one of the most popular browsers of the period, it was not possible to search directly in the address bar. The Toolbar, on the other hand, came to the fore by eliminating this shortcoming.. It also made life easier with built-in apps like Translation, spell checking, autofill, Gmail.

Other Google services shut down

1) Google My Map

Customizable on demand My Google Map Android The app was first released in 2007. The application, which was updated in 2014 after a 7-year hiatus, was also used for location sharing from mobile devices. In 2021, it joined the Google cemetery.

2) Google Bookmarks

Google Bookmarks or Google Favorite Pages, was a free online bookmarking service. Bookmarks, which was opened in 2005, is one of the Google services that was closed last year.


3) Google Chatbase

Google Chatbase, Google Dialogflow Chatbot It was launched as an analytics platform used for business and other services. It was closed in 2021 when the sufficient number of users could not be reached.

4) Fitbit Coach

The previous name of the AI-powered personal exercise platform was Fitstar. Fitbit Coach The service, which gained its name later, was discontinued last year.

5) Fitstar Yoga

One that was closed in 2021 Google service de: Fitstar Yoga app. As the name suggests, this platform, which is a video-based yoga application, worked with a system of measuring the user according to their performance and skill level.

6) Google Tour Builder

Tour Builder allowed its users to create and share interactive tours within Google Earth. Activities could be shared with photos and videos for a long time. However, Google gave up hope on this service and closed it in 2021.

closed google services tour builder

7) Google Expeditions

Launched in 2015, Google Expeditions is a platform that allows teachers and students to interact in a virtual classroom. virtual reality (VR) was the platform. Google’s VR equipment Google Cardboard Last year, we said goodbye to the service that works through

8) Google Tour Creator

Allows users to create 360-degree guided tours Google Tour CreatorHe became a member of the Google graveyard when he was just 3 years old.

In addition to all these, other Google services that were closed in 2021 are as follows:

  • Google Polly
  • Google Play Movies & TV app
  • Jing Render
  • Google Timely
  • Google Shopping mobile app
  • measure
  • Google Public Alerts
  • Google GoLink
  • card board
  • Google Crisis Map
  • Tensorflog
  • Google Swift
  • Google AppMaker

Well, which of these services are you saddened to have been closed? You can share your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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