Developed in partnership with AkbankLAB and imeceLAB, the “Sustainable Finance Program for the Future” seeks sustainable ways for our future.
The human population is growing rapidly and insufficient natural resources triggering global crises. Especially with the climate crisis, disasters such as floods, droughts and fires are increasing day by day. As a result, a great risk awaits us, from education to health, from economy to climate.
Today, with the transition to circular economy models, fair, environmental and transparent economic models started to form. In order to examine the environmental and social effects of economic activities and to take responsibility by considering our future, the finance sector has an important responsibility to provide the necessary financing.
Akbank, which works on this issue LAB and imeceLAB, “How can we create inclusive and sustainable financial systems that focus on social and environmental impact?” is starting the “Sustainable Finance for the Future” program, which seeks new solution opportunities based on the question.
The Sustainable Finance for the Future Program, which will last for 2 weeks in total, will focus on the basic principles of social innovation and sustainable finance. also Human-Centered Design methodology Along with workshops that will be appropriate, expert mentor network support and access to the social entrepreneurship ecosystem will be offered, and a learning-based knowledge and experience area will be offered.
How can I apply to the program with a cash prize?
At the event where sustainable finance systems for the future are sought A total of 60,000 TL prize money will be distributed to 3 teams. Among the teams participating in the program, 35,000 TL will be distributed to the first, 15,000 TL to the second, and 10,000 TL to the third. What is required to apply Being over 18, forming a team of 2-5 people and having an interest and motivation in sustainable finance.
If you want to participate in this program, which is held in partnership with Akbank LAB and imeceLAB, you can reach the application page by clicking here.
What awaits us in the sustainable finance program for the future?
Impact Investing
Before making an investment, it is necessary to think deeply. Impact investing on the other hand, it aims to construct it in a more systematic way. Ideas will be revealed on how to design systems that will measure the environmental impact to be observed before, during and after investments.
Responsible Consumption
Consumers need to spend their purchasing power by making informed decisions at a sustainable level. Responsible consumption also explores how to build mechanisms that will enable individuals to make these decisions.
Financial Inclusion
Can we make financially vulnerable masses benefit from financial products and services as much as anyone else? financial inclusion That’s what he’s researching. For this purpose, it is aimed to develop products and services suitable for the needs of these masses, if necessary.
Sustainable Products and Services
To have a strong economy We need sustainable systems. How can we design sustainable, innovative products and services to move to a sustainable economy? That’s what you’re looking for under the hood.
How does the event program work?
sustainable finance program for the future A 3-stage event program is presented to those who want to participate. The Vikimatron and mini-summit has taken place, but applications for the program continue until September 28. On September 30, the results of the application will be announced. The period until the announcement of the application results is seen as the 1st stage. After this stage comes the second stage.
Phase 2 will start with Orientation and Insight Workshop on October 2, Description Workshop on October 6, and October 9 Idea Generation Workshop will end with.
The last stage, the 3rd stage, is completed with the Prototyping Training on 12 October, the Interim Evaluation on 14 October, and the Final Meeting on 16 October.
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