Ahri CTs, All Talents, Strengths And Weaknesses In LoL

Don’t be fooled by the appearance of Ahri, the 9-tailed fox that fills the eyes with its charm. In addition to being one of the most attractive characters in League of Legends, he is also one of the most insidious.

Ahri, one of the mid laner mages, has the seductive kissing skill that makes even the bravest characters instantly vulnerable can put it together. So how much is he playing with himself? pleasure If you’re taking it, it’s just as much when you’re playing against it. you may be nervous.

Ahri, who regrets the one who got her kiss, is the one who plays well even if it’s not always in the meta. you should be afraid a mid laner mage. Especially in the late stages in ADC role You may need to protect your player well.

Ahri CTs:

  • corki
  • Cassiopeia
  • vex
  • Kassadin
  • lux

Ahri in many positions need E ability to kill opponent hears. However, this ability can also be highly blocked by simply getting behind minions, so characters that don’t need such requirements can get in trouble (like Cassiopeia, Vex, Corki). Also, like many wizards, Ahri’s assassin characters It’s not very good with.

All of Ahri’s abilities:

All of Ahri's abilities

  • Passive / Essence Stealing: When Ahri hits 9 enemies with her abilities, her next ability heals her for each enemy hit.
  • Q / Orb of Deception: Ahri throws her sphere forward and pulls it back; The orb deals magic damage while traveling and true damage while spinning.
  • W / Fox Fire: Ahri gains a short burst of movement speed and fires three foxes that lock and attack nearby targets.
  • E / Seductive Kiss: Ahri’s kiss deals damage to the enemy hit, instantly canceling all movement abilities, and seducing the target so that she can move smoothly towards Ahri. The target’s damage from Ahri is temporarily increased.
  • R / Spirit Attack: Ahri dashes forward, firing essence beams that damage nearby enemies. Spirit attack can be used up to three times before going on cooldown.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Ahri, whose charm strikes fear into her enemies?

Ahri's strengths and weaknesses

Ahri’s strengths:

  • Thanks to his E ability seducing kiss, he has the potential to slash his opponent even without taking any damage
  • The ability to push minions in mid lane very quickly thanks to the easy use of his Q ability
  • Ability to return to battle at critical points thanks to the source of healing from his passive
  • Ability to direct the entire teamfight with proper use of E in the late game

Using your E skill carefully is one of the important factors that allows you to win the lane. also E ability Even if you don’t have the confidence to hold your Q ability You can leave the rest of the work to your jungler by harassing the opposing enemy.

Ahri’s weaknesses:

  • Although he has aggressive abilities, if he is not far ahead of his opponent, a scenario that results directly against him may occur when he misses any of his abilities, since the instant damage is not very high.
  • Even playing alone with minions can greatly reduce Ahri’s damage potential
  • As with many mages, he can have a potential mana issue in the early stages.
  • Since Ahri’s basic agility is through her ultimate, she can be a vulnerable target for possible raids if her ultimate is not on or on cooldown.

The opposing opponent’s minions are intertwined, making their E quite difficult to hit. In addition, if the character is aggressive but cannot kill the opponent with all his combo, it will take a while. quite vulnerable staying. On top of that, early stage mana problem When it is added, the end of careless playing is always death.

How to play Ahri in LoL?

Tips for playing Ahri

  • To quickly perform your combo, you must first set up with your E skill. Q and W abilities if you get E definite will hit as
  • In team battles, you can use your E ability to change the composition of the opposing team. will spoil Using it somehow will give your team an edge in battle.
  • Instead of going head-to-head in the lane phase, as much as you can with your Q ability. damage try to give
  • Use your ultimate offensively as well as defensively. Your ult and position when you’re in a position where you can’t match your abilities you can fix
  • Adjust your position well while using the Q ability. both departure and arrival try to hit the damage
  • Make ideal use of your passive. How much while your passive is active to many enemies the more lives you get the more lives you get

E ability is very important in team fights. An E ability that you hit critical people from the opposing team can change the teamfight’s favor very quickly. If you are being attacked by the opposing team for a long time in the lane phase, your ultimate for defensive purposes all the time. Try to live with your passive. You can balance both outbound and inbound damage as the Q ability is your most basic haras mechanic. You can do pretty good damage.. One of the simplest ways to do this is to attack while the enemy is getting minions.

How to play against Ahri, how to beat Ahri?

How to play against Ahri

  • The most basic rule of playing against Ahri is to play behind minions so it will be very difficult for her to get her E.
  • Since all of Ahri’s mobility potential is out of her ult, she uses an offensive ult and can’t kill you, consider it, worst case call your jungler
  • Getting used to her Q abilities is another way to play against Ahri. Always play in different positions and be careful while killing minions. The less you eat the Q ability, the higher your chance of winning.

Ahri is the most in the game one of the characters with haras potential It is not easy to keep it to a minimum while playing against one of them. First, always make sure you have a minion among you and constantly change your position so that your opponent has to think about using their Q ability. In addition, he evaluates the moments when he does not have the ultimate ability. you can play offensively or you can summon your jungler and narrow the lane to the opponent.

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