Today, we will introduce you to a tribe that seems to have come out of a movie. One of the most interesting human communities in the world, the Vadoma Tribe has a unique feature. Their feet resemble those of an ostrich.
Innate and you can probably guess the reason for this unique feature that has been passed down from generation to generation. But what about its advantages?
The tribe is quite upset about this situation. accustomed. Let’s see why.
First, let’s say “Hello!” to the Vadoma Tribe and get to know them.
Vadoma Tribe, An indigenous community living in the Zambezi Valley in northwestern Zimbabwe, in southeastern Africa.
The members of this tribe, who live a culturally isolated life, live in harmony with nature, a simple and plain life In short, they are frying in their own fat.
But what has made them famous worldwide is their extraordinary genetic mutation.
The secret of ostrich feet: ectrodactyly
This interesting situation seen in the Vadoma Tribe is known in the medical world. ““Ectrodactyly” Ectrodactyly is a condition in which some fingers or toes are missing or fused together on the hands or feet.
In most Vadoma people, this genetic mutation causes two or three toes to fuse together, creating a shape similar to an ostrich foot. “ostrich foot” It is known as.
The main reason is genetic inheritance and isolation.
The more obvious reason mutation on chromosome 7. It is also inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, meaning if one of the parents has it, the chance of the child having it is 50 percent.
The Vadoma people have little contact with the outside world, the gene pool remains closed to external influences and this situation continues.
The people turned this situation to their advantage. How?
Although this situation may seem like a disadvantage from the outside, for the people of Vadoma, their feet are used in daily life. quite functional.
In the forest climbing trees, Their unique foot structure gives them an advantage in challenging tasks such as walking on unstable terrain.
In short, their feet are for them a common feature and it cannot be said that it has much impact on their daily lives.
There are other tribes that are the subject of our content with their interesting features:
The Blood-Chilling Story of the Jivaro Tribe Who ‘Shrinked’ the Skulls of Those They Killed and Hanged Them Around Their Necks
The Story of the Strange Tribe That Lived in 40-Meter Trees to Avoid Being Cannibal Food [Video]
A Psychopathic Tribe That Kills Visitors Who Come to Help One by One: Sentinel
The Tribe Whose Astronomy Knowledge Rivaled Modern Science Until the 21st Century: The Dogons
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