African Country Kenya Undecided On CBDCs

The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) said that digital central bank currencies (CBDC) have lost their appeal, saying that CBDC is not a primary necessity in the current situation.

Central Bank of Kenya press release on June 2 in the announcementlast year February published in the negotiation document next CBDC edition And use of about many different from the market actor over 100 He said he was collecting comments.

The bank among financial institutions, lawyers And commercial banks found many your actor CBDCs fast, efficient and transparent like the structure of the advantages Besides the instability, high costs And cyber dangers He stated that he mentioned the risks such as

In addition, some countries that issue CBDCs with obstacles at the point of application encountered and encountered in the cryptocurrency market. of recent instability said it raised concerns.

In this context CBDC about the printing indecisive CBK, which appears to be your trouble spots other surrounding ecosystems. with innovative solutions said it could potentially continue to be addressed.

on the other hand The lure of CBDCs by past that it is decreasing Phrases on the subject were also included in the CBK’s statement.

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