Aatrox CT in LoL, Abilities, Strengths And Weaknesses

Known as the Darkin Sword in League of Legends, Aatrox is one of the game’s tough and fun top laner characters. We can say that Aatrox definitely deserves the nickname Darkin Sword.

top aisle complicated One of the characters, Aatrox, is one of the characters that gives the most justice to the phrase “playing this character requires wrists”. At first glance it is quite complex Although it may seem, once you get used to it, things will go away. very enjoyable will be.

In particular it has tremendous life steal and potential to become a tank Although Aatrox does not have its former glory today, it is still a character that is definitely played and enjoyed.

Aatrox CTs: Strong opponents against Aatrox

  • akali
  • irelia
  • trust
  • jax
  • Camille

Aatrox’s biggest loss It lives because of mobility. The character literally moves like an oxcart. There is a little mobility brought by the E ability, but this not enough to turn it off. Conditions where Aatrox can’t cast his Q because his entire attack kit is based on his Q It can bring the end of the character.

All of Aatrox’s abilities, which can deal damage with his massive sword:

All abilities of Aatrox

  • Passive / Messenger of Death: Periodically, Aatrox’s next basic attack deals bonus damage and heals Aatrox based on the target’s maximum health.
  • Q / Darkin Sword: Aatrox slams his massive sword into the ground, dealing physical damage. He can swing his sword towards a different area of ​​effect three times, each time.
  • W / Hell Shackles: Aatrox slams the ground, dealing damage to the first target hit. If the champion and large monsters don’t leave the area of ​​effect quickly, they will be dragged to the middle and take damage again.
  • E / Dark Charge: When Aatrox deals damage to enemy champions, he passively heals. When the ability is activated, Aatrox is dashed in a certain direction.
  • R / At Worlds End: Aatrox reveals the Demonic form, terrifying nearby enemy minions, as well as gaining attack damage, increased healing, and movement speed. If Aatrox takes down a champion, the duration of the effect is increased.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Darkin Sword Aatrox?

Aatrox's strengths and weaknesses

Powerful features of Aatrox:

  • His lifesteal can keep him alive even in very difficult conditions with the right skill use.
  • Due to the abundance of crowd control, he can easily gain the upper hand
  • Although mobility is a nuisance, he can reposition his abilities with his E ability.

Aatrox almost completely skill-based a character played. Making good use of the Q ability formula to win it usually happens. But using his Q ability as he lacks a bit of mobility it’s not easy. This gap is also caused by the E ability. positioning thanks to it. In addition, thanks to his lifesteal, he has a higher chance of winning many battles when he forces them instead of running away.

Weaknesses of Aatrox:

  • Aatrox is a character who really struggles with mobility.
  • A character that keeps her range can be Aatrox’s worst nightmare
  • In teamfights, Aatrox can lag behind due to positioning

Playing Aatrox is all about good positioning. but to do this it’s not easy. The problem he suffers from mobility is this job. it makes it very difficult, that’s why too well-maintained If you come across a character, the ending can be sad.

How to play Aatrox in LoL?

Tips for playing Aatrox

  • If you’re going to have the biggest problem with using the Q ability while playing Aatrox. Therefore, you can use your E ability and your Q skill together and position your skill in different ways.
  • The W ability is pretty good for positioning yourself. If you use W skill well, you can easily damage the opponent for free.
  • Force the battle with your ultimate ability in the battles you think you will win.

Aatrox can be quite powerful when he uses his position well. To do this, use the skill kit. need a lot of use. Good use of W ability and E ability you need to create a position for yourself. Besides, Aatrox is more than running away. strong at fighting. Therefore, when you are forced into battle, it is useful to activate your ultimate ability and try it.

How to play against Aatrox, how to beat Aatrox?

How to play against Aatrox?

  • Aatrox’s attacks use an easy-to-see attack type called “telegraphic”. It can be very easy to avoid when you pay a little attention to his Q ability.
  • Although Aatrox’s W water seems like a difficult ability to get rid of, you can easily get rid of it by just moving to the right or left when exposed to the W ability.
  • Since Aatrox’s primary power comes from lifesteal, an item that will reduce lifesteal in the early phase will ease his lane phase

Playing Aatrox, playing against not a very easy character. Adjust your position well against Q and W abilities. you have to be careful. Besides, since the character’s main power comes from lifesteal, it’s early stage. reduce lifesteal will facilitate the corridor phase.

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