A Threat-like Warning from Meta (Facebook) to Turkey

Meta representatives, who sent a report to the Digital Media Commission of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey yesterday, gave a clear warning to Turkey. Meta representatives explained in the report that in case of pressure, the representative will withdraw.

The Turkish Grand National Assembly has now started to host the representatives of social media platforms. Finally, the Parliamentary Digital Channels Commission, which hosted the presentation of TikTok representatives, encountered an explanatory and restful statement from Meta today. Meta, which includes Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp, sent a report to the commission.

Meta representatives, in the report they sent to the commission, with the regulation known as “social media law”. A representative has been appointed to Turkey. “This decision does not change Facebook’s Community Standards or the global process for considering government requests, and we will withdraw the representative if we face pressure on any of them.” made statements. The continuation of the statements of the meta representatives was as follows:

In case of pressure the representative will withdraw

We will withdraw the representative if we encounter pressure. We will continue to review and evaluate government requests in accordance with our commitments as a member of the Global Network Initiative and our policies, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We will continue to report the details of the restricted content in line with our current transparency processes. We remain committed to Turkish society and to protecting freedom of expression and other human rights in Turkey.”

When a notification is received, it is first reviewed against the Community Standards or Community Guidelines:

In addition to this statement, representatives are on Facebook or Instagram. after notification of a violation of local law He also gave information about the process run. According to this,

  • When a notification is received, it is first reviewed according to Facebook Community Standards or Instagram Community Guidelines, and content is removed in case of violation.
  • Content that contains personal data that may cause physical or financial harm, including financial information, address information, and medical information, or confidential information obtained from illegal sources, is removed.
  • Removing the representatives, who also cited the distinction between public figures and private individuals, serious attacks on public figures and specific attacks where the public figure was directly tagged in a post or comment.
  • Groups of people who are more likely to be targeted by malicious hackers, such as human rights defenders, journalists and government officials, are also assisted in protection through the security program.

Emphasis on ‘transparency’ in the algorithm:


The representatives, who also shared details about the algorithm, which is one of the discussed aspects of social media platforms, explained that they were transparent about the use of user interaction to rank posts in the news feed. In addition, users will be able to obtain information about how their data is used to determine the advertisements they see; and ad controls such as ad preferences stated that they could benefit from it.

Users who want to do this can enter the Settings and Privacy sections of the desktop version of Facebook. To the ‘Privacy Center’ section access was recorded.

The allegation that harmful ingredients were used for profit was denied:

Representatives denounce the allegations that content that will make people angry deliberately is featured in order to make a profit.not logical‘ he denied. The description was as follows:

“We generate revenue from ads, and advertisers are constantly telling us that they don’t want to see their ads next to harmful or angry content. His moral, business, and product motivations all point in the opposite direction. The claim that we support bad content and do nothing against it is not true.

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