Cat, which we know for the robustness of its products, is here with its new clamshell phone S22. The phone, which will meet the needs of people who need this type of phone, and even go beyond with software support, has a very affordable price for its market.
What we see in more than one area catWe come across with tools mostly used in mining and construction sectors. However, the company has been releasing its smart phones, which are in mind with their robustness, for a long time. In this context, the company, which even launched an anti-bacterial phone, is now here with another model that stands out with its robustness.
Cat S22 In the model, which we come across with the name, a cover design is used. At this point you think Samsung’s Z Flip Don’t get a phone that will rival the series. Cat S22, more old model Continuing the tradition of clamshell phones. Let’s take a closer look at its remarkable features.
It comes with Android operating system and touch screen:
As with other clamshell devices, the S22 with T9 keyboard is coming. In the model that offers quite entry-level features 2GB RAM and 16 GB storage space exists. of Qualcomm Snapdragon 215 on a phone powered by its processor 2.8 inches in size, 640×480 It has a screen with a high resolution.
When we come to the software part, Cat’s very entry-level phone Google Play meet your requirements We see. On the phone Android 11 Go has operating system. On the device where Google Play Store is available, certain applications also come pre-installed.
We said that the phone has a T9 keyboard, but since it is known that this will be insufficient on an Android phone, Cat is on the S22. a touch screen did not neglect to use it. Finally on the phone 5MP worth a main camera exists.
The thing we feel most comfortable with when talking about Cat phones. to endurance when we come IP68 We see that it has a certificate. In addition to this certificate, which means that the phone is waterproof and dustproof, it shows that it is durable in harsh conditions. MIL-SPEC810H It also has a certificate.
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When we come to the price 234 dollars It has a very reasonable price for its location. When we adapt the price to our country, we see ‘2030 TL + taxes’.
We also had one of the latest model ‘durable’ phones:
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