A Photo of 11 Meters of Space Junk Was Taken

Orbital debris removal company Astroscale took a photo of an 11-meter piece of space debris just 50 meters away. The company will now try to throw this space junk, which is part of a rocket, out of orbit.

Space debris is one of the biggest problems of the future. Because according to measurements made by NASA, it is in Earth orbit. Weighs 6,000 tons There is space debris and there is a possibility that it may fall to earth. A new development, actually how we are at risk it reveals.

Orbital debris removal company Astroscale, in low orbit He managed to capture a stray piece of space debris. In a first recorded incident, space debris was photographed. 11 meters long It was part of a rocket.

Here’s that space junk floating around in Earth’s low orbit

The ADRAS-J satellite sent into space by Astroscale has debris cleaning device The image taken by is the beginning of an important era. This space debris is located just 50 meters away from the debris removal device. The device will now try to get close to this garbage. Then, robotic arms will come into play and the management of this garbage will be handled. Debris cleaning device, in the next stage, this garbage out of orbit will take. Thus, there will be no risk for the earth.

Loose in Earth orbit, according to NASA There are millions of space debris. This garbage endangers not only the earth, but also spacecraft currently in use, such as the International Space Station. That’s why the debris clearing efforts are critical. Let’s see if ADRAS-J can achieve its goal…

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