A New Artificial Intelligence That Responds Better Than Google

OpenAI, the developer of visual processing-based artificial intelligence Dall-E, has now launched a new bot called ChatGPT, where you can chat with each other. This artificial intelligence, which is still in the testing phase, sincerely answers the questions you ask.

You typed something you were curious about into Google and you reached a results page selected from the information that other people uploaded to their websites. When you were talking about advertisements and dysfunctional content on dozens of clickbait news sites, satisfying your curiosity turned into torture…. This is exactly what is expected to fill this gap and to open a new page in the information revolution if it becomes widespread. ChatGPT An artificial intelligence bot called

ChatGPT, which at first glance does not look very different from chatbots that give automatic answers that we have experienced millions of times so far; The company behind Dall-E that visualizes our written recipes OpenAI Developed by Since it has one of the most advanced language processing mechanics on the market, its responses are very organic, that is, realistic and can sometimes feel like talking to a human.

How to use ChatGPT?

  • Step #1: Go to https://chat.openai.com/,
  • Step #2: If you have an OpenAI account, log in, otherwise create a new account,
  • Step #3: Start using the chatbot after reading the description and warning windows,
    • If you write the first question in Turkish, it will answer you in Turkish.

ChatGPT clarifies every knowledge-oriented question, but don’t trust what it says:

Emphasized by OpenAI that it is still in the testing phase, ChatGPT uses all of our conversations to improve itself. Of course, the authenticity and reliability of all the information he gives is open to discussion. Even Open.AI before using the software “the system may produce information that may lead to wrong or wrong directions, and may use offensive and biased expressions” warns.

However, it should be said that it offers much more efficient use than search engines, even if it is still in the testing phase, due to its speed in responses and realistic emphasis at the human level.

We asked ChatGPT whether Android or iOS is better:

android iphone

To make things a little more complicated, we asked him to explain quantum physics to a 5-year-old:


Seems a bit unsuccessful in puzzle-looking logic questions, asking for more details:


logic question

The answer to the first question would be “Ali’s sister” and the second question would be “son of the person looking at the painting”. Let’s get the curious ones below:


Confidence in Their Intelligence Here: 15 Fun Logic Questions That Don’t Leave Phosphorus in the Brain

Also, Google had a more articulate AI than ChatGPT, which we explain in the video below:

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