A Huge Whale Swallows Tens of Millions of These 6 Altcoins!

A crypto whale known for its Ethereum (ETH) holdings is making big purchases in six different altcoin projects. cryptocoin.com We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

WhaleStats: ETH whale ‘Light’ collected from these 4 altcoin projects!

Transaction tracker WhaleStats has revealed that a whale known as “Light” has purchased more than $11 million of coins in Wrapped BTC (WBTC), an Ethereum token. Light has also piled on decentralized blockchain indexer The Graph (GRT). WhaleStats said:

ETH whale ‘Light’ just bought 2,000,000 GRT (USD 1,849,946). ETH whale ‘Light’ just bought 250,000 SUSHI ($1,837,500 USD).

It has also raised more than $1.8 million in SUSHI, the token of the whale SushiSwap. Next up is ILV, the native token of Illuvium, an open world role-playing game built on the Ethereum Blockchain. Giant Whale bin ILV eat up finished. WhaleStats said:

ETH whale ‘Light’ just bought 1,000 ILV (1,753,260 USD). ETH whale ‘Light’ just bought 79,998 UNI ($1,603,965). ETH whale ‘Light’ just bought 250,000 CRV (1,145,000 USD).

The huge whale swallowed millions of these crypto coins!

The giant whale also bought in bulk from Uniswap’s UNI token and Curve DAO (CRV). Among the top 10 tokens bought in the last 24 hours, ETH tops the list with a total of 138 purchases, followed by three different stablecoins: USDT, Circle’s USDC, and Binance USD (BUSD).

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