A Chat Bot Has Been Developed That Allows You to Talk to Your Future Self

MIT researchers have developed a chatbot that allows people to talk to future versions of themselves. The aim of the project is to reduce the anxiety and increase the motivation of young adults.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA has developed a very interesting chat bot using productive artificial intelligence. “Future YouThe bot called “” conversations with future versions provides.

The project, announced with the research published in the past weeks, is OpenAI’s chat bot. from GPT 3.5 created using . In addition to natural-sounding conversations, it can also create special memories for each user.

The aim of the project is to reduce people’s anxiety by allowing them to talk to future versions of themselves.

The research team’s goal is to get you to talk to a future version of yourself. reduce your anxiety and increase your motivation. The target audience is their age between 18 and 30 changing young people.

The process allows users themselves, their families, friends, past experiences and future goals. It starts with them answering a series of questions about. Digitally aged photographs are then used to depict their 60-year-old appearance. This image represents your older self in conversations with your future version.

Using the information provided, the chatbot creates a coherent story and artificial memory that people use to create a future version of itself.realistic” somehow creates. So he’s trying to help young adults. Promising results were achieved in experiments on 344 participants. When people talk to future versions of themselves, they experience anxiety and negative thoughts. is decreasing they stated.


Dream Machine, the Artificial Intelligence that Generates Video from Text, Turns Internet Memes into Videos

This use of generative artificial intelligence to search for movies is an indication of how useful the technology can be used. Such projects can be especially beneficial to people who experience extreme anxiety.

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