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Saturday, December 7, 2024

A Big Buzz – How Far Should Germany Go on Cannabis Legalization?


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Dusseldorf The legalization of cannabis is not only controversial in Germany: only a few countries have so far been able to bring themselves to approve the drug, at least for a limited group of consumers.

The interest is great and the market is considerable. Currently, three percent of people worldwide use cannabis products, totaling 265 million consumers. Freeing them from the reputation of illegality and drying up the black market could even make financial sense for the state.

Some countries tolerate cannabis use, few governments have legalized it outright. Germany is currently looking for a middle way: A partial release under strict conditions is being discussed.


Tobacco and alcohol are already taxed today – this should also apply to cannabis products if they are released. But the decriminalization of consumption should also save the state a lot of money.


More: Cannabis legalization could save the state more than a billion euros a year

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