Europe’s Most Potato Consuming Countries Revealed

A new study published by Landgeist has revealed how many kilograms of potatoes are consumed annually in Europe. So, where does Turkey rank in this list? Let’s see together.

In the past weeks, we have shared with you the countries that consume the most fruit in Europe during the winter months. In this study, it was revealed that Turkey is one of the countries that consume the most fruit in the continent. In another study, the vegetable consumption compared; however, unfortunately, these rates were found to be low, unlike fruits.

Now the Landgeist is one of the most common staple foods in the world. your potato He published a study on consumption rates in Europe. It turned out that this type of vegetable, which is one of the indispensables of European cuisine, is consumed quite a lot in the continent, especially in the northeastern regions, as can be expected.

How many potatoes are consumed annually in Turkey?

First of all, we need to state that the potato, which is one of the most consumed foods in the north of Europe, is not unique to Europe, contrary to the estimations. Experts say that this vegetable was first in america He believes that it was discovered by the Spaniards and brought to Europe from the Americas in the 16th century. Since then, it is stated that the potato, which is a source of vitamin B6 and C, regulates blood sugar and improves digestive health, has spread rapidly across the continent.

If we talk about Landgeist’s work; We can see that the countries that consume the most potatoes in Europe are in the east of the continent. According to the research, the countries that consume the most potatoes in the continent are; with 182 kg per year Belarus, Ukraine with 139 kg, Latvia with 113 kg. The least consuming countries are with 21 kg. Cyprus, also Bulgaria and Montenegro with 27 kg. Turkey’s When we look at potato consumption, we see that the rates are not very high. In the study, our country’s annual 47 kg By consuming potatoes, we see that it remains at levels that can be described as average.


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World Health Organization (WHO), daily minimum 400 g He underlines that the consumption of fruits and vegetables is vital for the health of the human body. This is the average for an adult per year. 87.6 kg It means consuming vegetables. Although Turkey is at average levels in potato consumption, it is among the countries that consume the most vegetables in the continent with 230 kg of general vegetable consumption per year and exhibits a consumption performance in line with WHO’s recommendations.

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