Ethereum Founder: “Endgame” – Bitcoin System

As the volatility in the cryptocurrency markets continues, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin has published his latest article.

The wording of “Endgame” in the title of the article caused a brief panic among cryptocurrency investors.

There was a short-term access problem on the website when thousands of people wanted to access the article, which was published with the title “end of the game” at a time when the fear was at its peak.

But those who reached the article were relieved to see that the issue was not with prices or the future of the market.

In his latest article, Buterin, who has been working on block sizes, transaction times and decentralization for a long time, conveyed how networks using high block frequency and high block size should follow a path to overcome centrality problems and become censorship resistant.

“Think of an average “large blockchain” – very high block frequency, very high block size, thousands of transactions per second, but also very centralized: because the blocks are so large, it can only run a few dozen or a few hundred nodes.

What would it take to make such a chain acceptably reliable and censorship-resistant, at least by my standards?

Here is a reasonable roadmap:

1- Add a second staking layer with low resource requirements to do distributed block validation.

2- Promote fraud proofs or ZK-SNARKs to allow users to directly (and cheaply) check block validity.

3- Introduce data availability sampling to allow users to check block availability.

4- Add secondary processing channels to avoid censorship.”

For detailed explanations about the goals to be achieved with this roadmap and what it means for Ethereum, you can access the article from the link below.

Endgame – Vitalik Buterin

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