There Are Important News From These 10 DeFi Altcoin Projects: Here are the Details!

We take a look at last week’s 10 most critical DeFi altcoin developments that could bolster year-end expectations.

Here are the top 10 DeFi altcoin news from last week

Digital Finance Group (DFG) has added support for Efinity. The platform contributed 200,000 DOT to Efinity’s crowdfunding scheme. Thus, this will help Efinity in their race to obtain a parachain slot.

Cyclos, in partnership with Solatars, has announced plans to launch the “Le Cougar Clique” NFT airdrop. Additionally, the launch will help provide more use cases for the Cougar Den.

Transfer between Kava and other EVM Blockchains is now possible thanks to Kava Labs cBridge 2.0. Accordingly, Celer Network announced a strategic partnership with Kava.

Blockchain NFT platform NFTrade has announced a strategic partnership with payment processing platform MoonPay. Thanks to the partnership, interested people can now buy NFT directly with fiat currencies and credit cards.

Last week, DAO Maker launched the much-anticipated Return on Venture upgrade. The upgrade includes the Victoria VR SHO, plus 10.5 million DAO tokens. Specifically, these tokens will be distributed over a period of 1,095 days. That’s 3.5 million DAOs each year.

Decentralized IDO platform Poolz invested in the ECIO metaverse project last week. The Metaverse platform is also known for allowing its players to create approximately 41 million different game characters. In addition, these characters can also be used to fight and earn rewards.

With Chainlink (LINK), the DODO/USD pair can be traded. Integrating DODO/USD trading pairs also helps facilitate adoption of BreederDodo’s native DODO token.

Last week, cross-chain NFT platform NFTrade launched the NFT metaverse launchpad. The launchpad provides NFTrade native token (NFTD) holders with INO (Initial NFT Offerings) etc. It will provide access to important features such as

Polkadot smart contract platform Moonbeam has won its second Polkadot auction, with over 35 million DOT tokens contributed by more than 200,000 participants worldwide. As we reported, Harmony (ONE) has recently partnered with multi-service DeFi platform Stake DAO. Therefore, interested parties can now stake their ONE tokens on the Stake DAO to earn rewards.

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