Revolutionary Solution to Three Major Blockchain Problems!

Core is a new layer-1 Blockchain that pushes the boundaries in the crypto space. Inspired by Bitcoin and Ethereum, CoreDAO goes beyond these Blockchain giants by synthesizing each of its superpowers. A student of blockchain history, philosophy, and innovation, Core best balances decentralization, security, and scalability.

Core created a unique consensus mechanism

Crypto without Core’s advances; was cursed by the “Blockchain Trilemma,” which pointed to the problem that decentralization, security, and scalability could never be achieved at the same time. Going head-to-head with Trilemma, Core DAO participants designed a unique consensus mechanism known as Satoshi Plus, which combines the decentralization and security of Bitcoin’s Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism with the scalability of Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS).

With the Satoshi Plus consensus, both Bitcoin miners and CORE token holders can participate in network security by transferring their BTC hash power and staked CORE to a decentralized validator group. Thanks to the decentralization of Bitcoin and the scalability of DPoS, validators on Core can securely and quickly generate blocks and verify transactions. Given this ingenious synthesis of blockchain principles, Core DAO contributors should now be viewed as thought leaders in blockchain innovation.

1.2 million people participated in the airdrop

Continuing to leverage the best features of all Blockchains, Core is EVM compliant and allows easy implementation of smart contract implementations from Ethereum-based networks. The choice of EVM compatibility, like other basic design options, has come as a result of years of research into the trading mechanism of other chains. This education-like approach allows Core to embody the essence of the Blockchain philosophy focused on decentralization and freedom.

Inspired by philosophy and innovation, Core’s huge and enthusiastic community includes over 1.7 million followers on Twitter and over 239,000 members on Discord. If we look at the on-chain activity, more than 1.2 million participants were supported in the last CORE token airdrop. This has made the airdrop one of the biggest smart contract interactions of all time. Going forward, more projects may continue to see Core opportunities, with Core’s recent integrations with high-end projects like Layer Zero. This, in turn, will certainly lead to a unique ecosystem development. With leading developers, a growing community, and a groundbreaking consensus mechanism, Core is rising to revolutionize the blockchain space.

About CoreDAO

CoreDAO leverages direct Bitcoin mining hashrate and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to power an optimally decentralized, secure and scalable web3. It is a new standalone Blockchain powered by Satoshi Plus, an innovative consensus mechanism. The origin and inspiration of Core DAO comes from Bitcoin and Ethereum, but its ambition goes beyond these Blockchain giants.

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