Uniswap Wants to Launch Mobile Crypto Wallet, How Will This Move Affect UNI?

Ethereum The developers of Uniswap, the largest decentralized exchange (DEX) project operating on its network, spoke to the crypto press today.

speaking to sources Uniswap Labs The developer stated that they intend to develop a mobile wallet application for iPhone devices. However, according to the developer, the biggest obstacle to the initiative is Apple itself.

โ€œApple doesn’t seem to allow us to list the wallet app we designed on its market. We don’t know why. We have answered all questions without cause for concern, proving that the specifications are 100% compatible.โ€

Uniswap Labs emphasized in a previous statement that the control of the mobile crypto wallet developed will be entirely with the users. If the wallet application becomes operational, users will have access to the Uniswap exchange via mobile devices.

How Do Experts Evaluate Uniswap’s Move?

Some crypto analysts interpret Uniswap’s move as being extremely beneficial for the token, while others argue that this initiative will not be very beneficial.

Tobbykitty, one of Twitter’s well-known crypto money phenomena, made the following statements on the subject:

The wallet movement is pathetic. Uniswap can’t monetize and UNI is an infamous token. They looked at what we can do, they said, let’s get into the NFT business. It didn’t. Well then; They said let’s make a wallet, it’s extremely unnecessary. Uniswap, find a cure for the token. You are dealing with vacancies.

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