$850,000 NFT Coin Sold for $20,000!

A lucky trader was able to buy one of the most expensive NFTs in the space for less than 5% of its real price. The NFT coin in question, CryptoPunk 7557, which is worth at least $850,000, was sold for 4,444 ETH yesterday, which means around $19,400 yesterday.

NFT Coin sold for under $20,000

CryptoPunk 7557 is one of the few NFTs to be crowned. According to current information, there are only 55 of them and the last known CryptoPunk sale with a crown is around 197 ETH ($843,000). Larva Labs, the team behind CryptoPunk, said that the cheapest “Tiara Punk” will cost 350 ETH, which is around $1.5 million.

This means that listing Punk for the ridiculously low price would be a mistake on the part of the seller. Judging by the asset’s price listing history, NFT’s previous owner listed it as 8,888 ETH before it was later mistakenly listed for 4,444 ETH. It seems that it would be more accurate to assume that the seller’s intention was to list CryptoPunk for 4,444 ETH, not the price the asset eventually achieved.

Buyer “bribed” through transaction

An interesting aspect of this transaction was that the new buyer “bribed” a miner to complete the transaction in record time. According to available data, the buyer paid the miner 3.33 ETH to confirm his transaction. So he could buy NFT for a penny.

In response to the sale, some members of the crypto community described it as a giveaway. Another member of the community revealed that the seller lost more than $100,000 in sales at that price. If you remember cryptocoin.com Just last week, we reported an interesting NFT transaction involving the sale of over $500 million of CryptoPunk.

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