Why Did Pirates Wear Eye Patches on One Eye?

Have you ever seen pirates wear an eye patch on one eye in pirate movies? Real pirates also had this eye patch tradition. Have you ever thought about the real purpose of these eye patches? Let’s explain.

Piracy was a profession that caused people to think twice before going out to sea in the past, though not today.(!) Although we see pirates acting as heroes with supernatural events in movies, it is not possible to say that they are very good people when we look at the truth of the matter. seafaring trader We can’t think that pirates attacking people’s ships are very good anyway.

Of course, not everything we see in movies is a lie. When it comes to pirate movies, you must have seen pirates who cover one of their eyes with a piece of black leather. Many people think that this eye patch is something used because they have injured their eyes. However, these eye patches were also used by real pirates and their purpose was very different. Today, pirates We will explain why they wear an eye patch on one eye.

Why did pirates wear an eye patch on one eye?

Injury was not usually the reason why pirates wore eye patches. In fact, they wore these eye patches for a reason that was much more logical and compatible with science. The inside of the pirate ships was always dark, whether it was day or night.. On the ship; that is, the pirates, who did their business in a sunny environment, could not see anything when they went to the storage or cabin section of the ship, as their eyes were not used to the darkness.

The pirates are right at this point, By removing the eye patch that kept their eyes in the dark all the time, they would go about their business with their dark-adapted eyes without any problems. Speaking to The Wall Street Journal, he works in vision science at Oregon Pacific University. Dr. Jim Sheedy He said that the eye adapts quickly to light, but photopigments must be renewed to adapt to darkness and it will take some time to adapt to complete darkness.

Eye patch

Saying that the reason for the pirates to wear an eye patch was not an injury in a sword fight, Dr. Sheedy knew that pirates had to constantly move between the pitch black below deck and the bright sunlight above. that pirates also wore an eye patch to keep one of their eyes accustomed to the constant darkness. stated. In other words, one eye is accustomed to constant sunlight, while the other eye is accustomed to darkness.

How long does it take for an eye to adapt to the dark?

Eye patch

When the human eye enters a dark environment, it starts to see better after a while. Because our eyes adapt to the dark. When you go to bed in the evening, you can see that this happens much faster, because you have already moved from a dim environment to a dark environment. However, entering the darkness from a very strong light source such as sunlight also increases the adaptation process of the eye. in such a case It will take about 25 minutes for your eyes to fully adjust to the darkness.


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25 minutes is a very serious time for people like pirates who can fight at any time and plunder the ships they attack. For this reason too eye patches were indispensable in the world of pirates.

Today we explained to you why pirates wear eye patches. If you want more content like this, don’t forget to share it with us in the comments section.

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