9 Experts Shared the List of Altcoin Projects to Buy!

Nine crypto experts share their bull and bear statuses for DeFi tokens in 2022, as well as the altcoin projects they think have the most potential for the new year. we too cryptocoin.com We have compiled the shares of the experts for our readers.

Altcoin recommendations from experts

For Chen Li, there is little difference between the two crypto worlds. According to Chen Li, DeFi and games are very similar, with many games just DeFi wrapped in a game package. According to Stephen Ehrlich, GameFi and DeFi NFTs are definitely trends to watch. An example of this is Curve (CRV).

Looking at the specs alone, JC Parets says DeFi tokens have been in a bear market since late spring. Bill Barhydt states that investors should be careful about categorizing DeFi as a bull or bear market because the concept of decentralized finance did not exist five years ago. According to Tyler Matses and Aric Chang, investors should watch this to assess the DeFi market through to 2022.

Seth Ginns states that DeFi 1.0, the first and most popular protocols released in 2020, has seen a bit of a bear market in the last nine months. For Seth Ginns, it highlights the activity happening around the Frog Nation (FROG). The activity surrounding the Curve (CRV) ecosystem is catching the attention of Ginns as well as Tyler Matses. Matses says investors can also look at Convex (CVX), which is important as Curve’s governance-supported inflation dispersion increases.

CRV also ranks among Stephen Ehrlich’s list of top 10 crypto assets, including Uniswap (UNI), Aave (AAVE), Compound (COMP), and Yearn Finance (YFI). For Marcus Sotiriou, an analyst at digital asset broker GlobalBlock, oracles are an overlooked category of DeFi tokens that could provide the most upside in 2022. According to Marcus Sotiriou, the market leader for Oracle is Chainlink (LINK). Also, Tyler Parets is bullish on Terra (LUNA) based on his relative strength.

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