70 percent of the Dax companies say that AI is changing their business model


The first Dax companies have launched their own versions of the program.

(Photo: dpa)

Dusseldorf Germany’s corporations do not see hype in new AI applications, but rather a long-term business opportunity. 70 percent of the DAX companies expect that artificial intelligence (AI) will change their business model in the next few years. A third even expect major changes here. This is shown by a Handelsblatt survey of the 40 Dax companies, in which 30 companies took part.

Artificial intelligence is not a new topic for many corporations, machine learning and other AI have been used in production and other areas for years. However, language models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which was released in autumn, are massively changing the possibilities. Suddenly the systems master human communication in text, image or code much better than was thought years ago.

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