$6 Billion Lawsuit Filed Against PlayStation

Sony allegedly overcharged PlayStation users in the UK for their purchases of the game and the game. The technology giant, which is alleged to have violated the competition law, has been sued for approximately 6 billion dollars for 9 million users who are said to be affected by this situation.

Sony has a great place in the game world with the work it does, the games and equipment it releases. players, especially PlayStation The technology giant, which is highly loved by its users, is now facing a claim that could shake its position.

According to the claims of consumer rights advocate Alex Neill, Sony is certain in every purchase made in the PlayStation Store. some downtime violating competition law. To game developers and publishers that it violates the law wrongful judgment and conditions If the giant company is found wrong as a result of the lawsuit filed in the UK for imposing the law, it may have to pay billions of dollars in compensation to the users.

Sony may have to pay $6 billion to 9 million people

Allegedly, Sony is on August 19 in the UK. from 2016 since via PlayStation Store the game or With DLC purchases 30% deduction was doing. This situation, which is said to cover approximately 9 million users, is about Sony’s 6 billion dollars (108,519,600 TL) It is alleged that it causes “unwittingly overcharged”. If the estimated loss per person 78 dollars with 660 dollars reported to vary between

If the case is concluded in favor of the players, a compensation between 78 dollars and 660 dollars per person can be claimed. This is Sony’s total 6 billion dollars may result in such compensation. Consumer rights advocate Alex Neill, who took on the case that the strong side is the players and that they believed Sony was abusing their position, and therefore they were suing.

Sony is expected to compromise


With this lawsuit filed, those who unwittingly paid more millions of UK PlayStation users Stating that he is acting on behalf of Neill, the console owner since 19 August 2016, living in England and PlayStation games announced that anyone who has purchased DLCs can automatically claim them.

Cases of this nature can take several years to resolve and if Sony denies the claims, people you may have to wait a bit “Given the number of consumers affected and the amount we believe they are overcharged,” Neill said. “We think Sony will compromise” said.


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