426 Thousand TL Special Design iPhone 13s Are On Sale

Luxury design company Caviar has created a gold-plated design for the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max, which will be released as of tomorrow. Special designs with a starting price of 42 thousand 380 dollars can also be obtained for 48 thousand dollars.

US-based technology giant Apple announced at the launch on September 14. iPhone 13 The family recently opened for pre-order. As of tomorrow, consumers will be able to purchase these smartphones from Apple Stores all over the world. Although it is not known for now how much interest the new iPhones will attract from consumers. we will talk about in this It is an undeniable fact that iPhones will be on everyone’s lips.

Known for the luxury smartphone designs it has released caviarhas created a very special design for the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max. Fully cover the front and back of the phones. covered with gold The designers have also made the phones unique with the embroidery on this gold-plated. Consumers can buy such an iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max at $42,380. up to $48k can be obtained by making payments.

Here are the fully gold-plated iPhone 13s

Caviar has created a special design for the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max, “Pure GoldGiving details about its design, the company states that the gold plating does not affect the weight of the phone much, that the iPhone 13 Pro weighs around 170 grams and the iPhone 13 Pro Max weighs around 200 grams. You use 8 diamonds states.


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The designs created for the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max are available for all sizes from 128GB to 1TB. storage space It is possible to order for models with the option. Of course, prices also vary according to these storage options. If you want to buy the most affordable gold-plated iPhone 13, you can get the 128GB iPhone 13 Pro. 42 thousand 380 dollars you need to review. For the iPhone 13 Pro Max, the price goes up to 48 thousand TL.

If you would like to have detailed information about the gold-plated design created for the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max, here You can use the link.

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