In America, a 26-year-old former financial employee of Goldman Sachs Bank and his friend made an illicit profit of $400,000 by transferring confidential financial information via the Xbox 360 platform.
A newly emerging FBI a former employee of Golden Sachs Bank, according to the indictment. 26 year old young manHe leaked financial information to his friend, enabling them to make unfair profits together. These leaks are based on the fact that players can voice chat with each other. Xbox 360 carried out through the platform.
He leaked data to his friend on Xbox 360, Microsoft’s online gaming platform. An income of $400,000 The young man who wanted to earn money earned a high amount of income with his friend by relying on the encryption of voice chats. The FBI arrested Anthony Viggiano and his alleged accomplice, Christopher Salamone, on September 28. securities fraud He was arrested and accused of .
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It is thought that the young people arrested by the FBI leaked some of the data through the 2005 series Xbox, whose system and interface were underdeveloped.
The FBI claims that the teenagers arrested were childhood friends. Salamone, like Maxar Technologies and Syneous Health, after receiving various information from Viggiano, who leaked the data buys shares of companies. He earns a high amount of income by obtaining various information about these companies.
Salamone and Viggiano were first questioned by the FBI in June. After this interrogation, between the two of them, no one was able to track or monitor anything on the Xbox 360. data acquisition It is stated that they have no chance and they wish each other good luck. Viggiano tries to reassure his friend by telling him that not even the FBI can access this data.
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It is not yet clear whether the two friends only use Xbox 360. Salamone and Viggiano signal messaging platform and Instagram It is stated that they use disappearing messaging via .
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