3 Fake Shiba Inu Tokens Listed!

It turned out that CoinMarketCap has listed three fake Shiba Inu (SHIB) contract addresses created by malicious actors. The listing of three fake tokens was confirmed by Shiba Inu’s official Twitter account. cryptocoin.com We are giving the details as…

Fake Shiba Inu listing from CoinMarketCap

It was confirmed by the official Twitter account of Shiba Inu’s team that three fake tokens were listed and the big data platform CoinMarketCap was unresponsive. The post shared by Shiba Inu includes the following statements:

Please note that CoinMarketCap knowingly lists three fake contract addresses for SHIB; none of these three addresses (Bep 20, Solana or Terra) are valid SHIB addresses and are not safe to use. Do not interact with addresses and do not buy SHIB from them as your money will be lost forever. CoinMarketCap refused to communicate with the SHIB team about updates to its token page, allowing malicious actors to wreak havoc on our list.

The topic is serious for the SHIB community as Coinmarketcap is one of the most visited websites for information about cryptocurrencies, ranking 63rd in the best websites in the world. SHIB teams remind that SHIB is only an ERC-20 token and underline that it is not in Solana, Binance Smart Chain and Terra. While many people criticize CMC, the SHIB team wants the community to remain calm, saying they are working diligently to address this issue.

CoinMarketCap is known to cause serious problems for some coins. Although recently Floki Inu said they burned 10.6 trillion tokens, the amount is not included in the total supply on CoinMarketCap. Also, the CEO of Crypto.com criticized CoinMarketCap for giving false information about its exchange.

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