2 New Altcoins Coming to Coinbase: Prices Peak!

Famous Bitcoin exchange Coinbase lists 2 new altcoins. The exchange adds Loom Network (LOOM) and Pawtocol (UPI) to its platform. With the listing announcement, the prices of cryptocurrencies suddenly rose. cryptocoin.com We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

Coinbase lists 2 new altcoins: Loom Network and Pawtocol!

Giant Bitcoin exchange Coinbase is listing 2 new altcoins. According to the announcement made by the exchange, Loom Network (LOOM) and Pawtocol (UPI) transactions will be activated. After the listing news of the exchange, altcoins witnessed strong movements.

The Loom Network (LOOM) price jumped more than 30 percent with the listing announcement. Pawtocol (UPI) price, on the other hand, saw an increase of more than 50 percent. At the time of writing, the upward trend continues in both cryptocurrencies.

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