2 Economists Warn For Gold: Don’t Expect These Levels!

As gold and dollar prices continue to fluctuate, investors are wondering if now is a good time to invest and where prices will go. They also wonder what alternative assets to invest in. Some experts in this field share their thoughts on them. cryptocoin.com We are sharing the forecasts of 2 economists…

Warning to investors from Hatice Koçak: Wait

In the last weeks of 2021, gram gold exceeded 1,000 lira and the dollar exceeded 18 lira. Addressing those who buy at these levels, economist Hatice Koçak said “wait”. Koçak emphasizes that if the dollar exceeds the 14 level, if there is no intervention, prices can quickly move upwards. However, drawing attention to developments such as the recently announced currency-protected deposit accounts, he thinks that such measures can be taken down. Still, he says that it is necessary to think long-term, so those who buy gold at 1,000 lira should not be upset.

Economist Remzi Özdemir: Gold will not fall

Another economist who warned investors was Remzi Özdemir. According to Özdemir, the gold price will not decline, because the precious metal “likes an atmosphere of fear and anxiety”. Özdemir claims that it is meaningless to expect 500 liras under a gram, especially in case of an increase in the dollar. For this reason, he says, one should not expect the levels that are thought to be falling and seeing a gram of gold. At the time of writing, gram gold is traded at 797 liras. On the other hand, the price of an ounce of gold is around $1,796.

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