19-Year-Old Claims He Hacked Tesla Cars

A young 19-year-old hacker claimed that he managed to hijack the systems of many Tesla cars around the world. Stating that this could have very dangerous consequences, the hacker reported the situation to Tesla officials.

a young hacker living in Germany; Hacked and partially controlled the system of more than 25 Tesla vehicles in 13 different countries. to seize He claimed he had found a way. The 19-year-old hacker, David Colombo, who describes himself as an IT security expert and hacker, informed Tesla’s security team on Monday, January 10, that he was able to control various functions of these vehicles.

Noting that he could not have full control over the vehicles, Colombo said that the list of things he could do was still quite large. ‘long’ noted that. In a statement on his personal Twitter, Colombo; that said electric Tesla vehicles can remotely disable the guard mode protection and enable windows, doors, music, vehicle lights, even keyless driving. that you can control expressed.

“Can have a potentially dangerous effect on drivers”

He tweeted that it’s pretty cool that someone can remotely play at full volume or open windows and doors while you’re on the highway. dangerous Colombo, who stated that he thought “Even nonstop flashing of lights can have a potentially dangerous effect on other drivers.” recorded as. On the other hand, this is not a flaw in Tesla’s infrastructure, the fault is with the car owners said young hacker; before explaining specific details about how he took control of the vehicles. “fix all this” He added that he wanted

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