15-Year-Old Got A USB Cable Into His Penis

The news from the United Kingdom is kind of gnawing for those who can connect with the subject. A 15-year-old boy who wanted to measure the length of his penis chose to insert the cable into his penis. From here, everything gets darker.

Opening Universal Serial Bus translated into our language USBmakes our work easier in many areas of our lives. These devices, which allow us to charge our devices and transfer data to different devices, have a different version for each device, such as USB Type-A, Type-B, Type-C.

But someone is thisuniversality‘ he must have misunderstood that to use these cables your penis preferred. For this 15-year-old young man from here on out; A bloody, surgical and difficult process began. To make matters worse, the young person in question had to go through this process with a USB cable. Let’s take a closer look at the details of our mind-blowing news.

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When you take a look at the headline or the description section of our news, you will humbly say “Why?‘ question may arise. Let’s satisfy your curiosity now. At first, no one knew how this happened—even though the script was more or less self-explanatory. But the 15-year-old told doctors why he was trying to insert a USB cable through his urethra.

Young, with the effect of curiosity, said that he resorted to such a way(!) to measure the length of his penis. “Come on, the USB cable is in there, how will it come out?“We can hear you say. This is the most exciting part. won’t come out.

usb cable penis

From the urine of the teenager who jammed the USB cable in question. blood It began to come and the pain grew as time passed. After that, our 15-year-old enthusiast, who was brought to the emergency room immediately, cystoscopy An attempt was made to remove the cable using used in this method the cystoscope instrument Let’s show.


See work on our patient because of a knot in the cable cystoscope it didn’t work either. Our young man was transferred directly from here to University College Hospital for deeper operations. It was also noted that our young person, who said that he wanted to be treated without his mother, did not have any mental or physical problems at this point.

with x-ray the position of the node and its full shape The doctors, who learned, took the young man to the operating room. Here, the doctors who cut the area in question saw that the cable split into two pieces and removed both of them. Stitches were placed on the urethra and penis of the young person who survived the cable, and catheters were inserted so that the urine would not pass through the damaged area while coming out.


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Doctors who do not see any significant damage or wound after 2 weeks, took out the probes. It is certain that this will not remain a good memory for the young man in question. As we can understand from this blood-curdling event, we need to use the products produced only for production purposes. Cyberpunk 2077 You may have seen someone get wired in games or movies like, but that doesn’t mean you can do anything, you get it.

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