13 Tips to Avoid a Traffic Accident

One of the fastest ways to get from one place to another is to drive. However, sometimes it is necessary not to go so fast while doing this. Today we’re going to give you 13 tips to help you avoid a car accident.

Some of us are on the road for school, some for work, and some for reasons other than these. Every day, millions of people drive in traffic with their personal vehicles. While some of them are very careful, some of them both themselves and other people and animals in traffic. can endanger his life. Although unconscious driving is among the problems that need to be resolved in our country, we should pay more attention as people who love their own life and know that it is wrong to harm the people and living things around them.

Today, we are talking to you who have been involved in an accident before and who learned lessons from these accidents. that we gathered from people’s experiences, We will talk about recommendations that can prevent serious traffic accidents. In our content, there are lesser known details that can increase traffic awareness instead of details that everyone already knows are wrong, such as drunk or drowsy driving. Some of the information in our content will include important advice to avoid an accident, while others will include things you can do after an accident.

1. Check the car’s wiper fluid constantly.

Imagine a truck passing by throwing muddy water. Spreading the mud all over the glass If you don’t want to be blind Set off knowing that the vehicle’s window water is always ready.

2. With one eye always in front, look behind you through the rear view and side mirrors with the other eye.

side mirrors

A truck with a blown brake may come at full speed from behind. The one who hits you in the back is guilty, put the word aside and do something for your own life. keep your eyes back Don’t neglect it.

3. Be cool after having an accident. Note that you may still be in flowing traffic.

Traffic accident

After an accident, some drivers throw themselves out of the car and start walking in the shock of that moment. Especially on roads with high speeds such as highways. another car may hit you. So try to be cool-headed.

4. Don’t get in the way of other people and get into the scissors.

enter the scissors

Do not rely on the car under you and your own chauffeur, and do not try to cross. Especially stubbornly with another vehicle in traffic Never try to race. You will be out of the traffic’s own frequency and this will bring you very close to the accident.

5. Do not overtake on corners.


Traffic is not something to be rushed into. Overtaking on a curve puts you and other road users in danger. Stay calm even if the one ahead of you is going slowly. Remember, every bend has an end.

6. Even if the lights are green for you, do not forget to pass under control.


Yes, it looks like the driver of the car behind you is trying to get something somewhere. It could be someone who likes horns. However, check your surroundings even though it is green. Especially if the green light has just come on, you can collide head-on with vehicles that say “nothing will happen for 2 seconds” and try to pass in red.

7. When changing lanes, watch not only the lane you will enter, but also behind your lane from the rear view mirror.

rear view mirror

One of the most common causes of accidents are lane changes. If you need to change lanes It’s not enough to check your side mirrors. According to my own experience, that impatient person clinging to the back of your vehicle may try to make the same move while you are changing lanes.

8. Maintain your following distance instead of sticking to the back of the vehicle in front.

Following distance

Traffic is a place of instant action. People can make unnecessary brakes, He may try to change lanes without looking back. Therefore, keep your following distance. Harassing the car in front of you by saying “Left lane is my right, get out of front of me”, and forcing the vehicle in front to change lanes, perhaps by making the flashlight, puts both you and the entire traffic at risk. If they are squeezing you, keep your cool and leave the lane to that friend if appropriate.

9. When you are going fast, traffic jams in front of you and if you need to stop, warn the vehicle behind you by lighting your quads.


This warning is for both the car behind you and you. Not realizing that traffic has stopped at 120 km/h A car hitting you from behind will endanger your life as well.

10. Do not speed in rainy or snowy weather. Also, take the necessary precautions.

car in the rain

Drizzles other than torrential rains or those who need to water the lawn the water sprayed by the fountains onto the road, It removes the fuel residues scattered on the roads from the exhaust of the cars from the road where it sticks. This causes the road to become ice skating. Be you, do not speed in rainy environments. Also, do not forget to wear winter tires that increase road grip in winter. Let’s not forget that it is vital to wear chains when it snows.

11. You may be a great driver, but keep in mind that not everyone in traffic is in your experience.


Not everyone has your agility in traffic. Therefore Don’t push anyone. Do not rush people by pressing the horn.

12. Do not get stuck in traffic. Always have a space to escape to.

sparse traffic

Do not make any moves that will trap you while you are in traffic. Let alone racing with other vehicles. always somewhere able to escape Make sure you have space.

13. Slow down when passing large vehicles such as trucks and lorries.

truck traffic

Large vehicles such as trucks and lorries are not only scary but also affect the air flow. Especially when you pass a truck at high speed in a windy place. You may lose control of your vehicle. It has the potential to surprise you when you feed the wind current that the truck cut off into your car again. Please be careful!

Today, we told you about the details you need to pay attention to in order to avoid an accident. Apart from all this please Do not drive while intoxicated. This puts everyone at risk, not just you. Don’t take away the decades that a 3-year-old little boy will live. Except this seat belt Please keep in mind that it will save your life. So, have you had a traffic accident before? If you have suggestions about what to pay attention to in traffic, do not forget to share them with us in the comments section. I hope you will never have such a bad experience.


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