10 Books You’ll Want to Read During Summer Vacation

Summer vacation has finally arrived. If you want to read a lot of books in the summer, we have prepared a special book list for you.

Reading a book during summer vacation is a different pleasure. With schools on holiday in the summer, everyone makes time for their hobbies. Reading books is the most popular activity of summer.

If you want to read a book but can’t decide what to read, you can take a look at the list we have prepared for you.

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Don’t underestimate me, written by Gülse Birsel! The book is a book that takes you away from the thoughts in your head. As you read It will feel like therapy The main theme of the book is that although there are many reasons for unhappiness, you only have one reason to laugh. We have all watched what Gülse Birsel wrote, now how about reading it once again?

I read it as soon as it arrived and finished it. It was so beautiful that it felt too short. It was so nice that I closed the cover from time to time, took a break from laughter, and then went back to reading.

If you are curious about the book you can read while sunbathing on the beach, you can check it out by clicking.

scattered minds

The book Scattered Minds, which is about attention deficit, examines this problem in children in depth. as a guide By reading the book, you can get to the roots of attention deficit disorders in children and learn information that will benefit their recovery. Therapist Dr. In Gabor Mate’s book, you will gain important information for your own children or the children around you.

It was a highly recommended book, and I bought it because I found the price affordable.

Click for the book that explains how to treat children.

the most important student in the world

The World’s Most Important Student, another work by the author of My Grandfather’s Grocery Store, from fun books someone. You will feel relaxed while reading the book that appeals to both children and adults. The book, which you can read and finish in one day, has both entertaining and instructive content.

If you are curious about this book by Şermin Yaşar, whose books are widely read, click here.

Raising children in the digital age

The book Raising Healthy Children in the Digital Age, which draws attention to one of the most difficult issues for everyone these days, is a book for parents. as a guide. This book explains children’s connections with the virtual world and how to guide them. How parents can support children in establishing connections between the virtual world and the physical world is also among the topics of the book.

Click for the book that everyone with children should read.

Your child discovers the world with My General Culture Book, which is one of the must-buy books for those with small children. 0-6 age group The book is full of colorful and entertaining stories. It is also possible for your child to gain the habit of reading with books that will interest him. The book, which develops children’s imagination and supports the learning process, is a must-have in children’s libraries.

Click for the interesting book with colorful pictures.

thoughts to myself

Reflections on Myself, one of the classics daily A written work. The work, which is a compilation of the thoughts of Marcus Aurelius, a strong advocate of equality and freedom, is one of the books that everyone should read. In this book, Aurelius both criticizes the thinkers before him and questions himself.

I often found myself asking questions while reading.

Click to read the book, which will serve as a resource for future generations.

on happy life

Philosopher Seneca’s work: On the Happy Life – On the Shortness of Life, life in harmony with nature He explains that he has to. Everyone should read this work by Seneca, who explains it by giving examples from the period he lived in. There are 2 texts in the book. It is possible to learn from this book what kind of understanding of life Stoicism was in the Roman period.

Complete playbook and underlining. I read it by underlining most of the sentences and it is a guiding book.

Click to buy the playbook.

let's explore the world

Country or city travel guide Let’s Explore the World, which can be described as a work that shows you how to visit a city or country. The book, based on İlber Ortaylı’s experiences, should be read before traveling. The work also emphasizes the importance of traveling and tries to show how to travel correctly.

It is obvious that the book was created from questions asked to İlber Hodja and the answers given. Because İlber Hodja shares this with us many times over with many videos and programs. Think of it as short travel notes about the places you visit.

You can click to discover the world with İlber Ortaylı.

those who live by heart

Emrah Safa Gürkan, the popular historian of recent times, talks about our habits in this book. Despite all the opportunities brought by technology and modernity, many of our habits still persist. Emphasizing these points, Emrah Safa says that our habits that we cannot give up with its historical background It also examines its anthropological, sociological and psychological roots.

I haven’t finished it yet, but it has a fluent narrative. It is nice to learn new things, especially to learn the truth about things you know wrong or incomplete.

Click to buy the book where you will find answers to many of your questions.

The Last Day of a Death Row Man, one of the pioneers of French literature One of Victor Hugo’s most important works someone. Hugo’s work against the death penalty can be considered the first monologue of modern literature. Both children and adults need to read this classic work, which describes the death penalty in a tragicomic way.

Truly one of the books that everyone should read.

Click to buy this important work.

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