10 Books That Will Make You Better Understand Our Time And The Future

The development of humanity has gradually gained momentum after the incredible leap in technology. In order to catch this rapid change, the only thing that needs to be done is to continue on the road by understanding what is current. Fortunately, there are books out there that will make it easier for us to do this.

In the cartoons we watched as a child, we would get excited when we saw robots that could do any job, cars that drove even though no one was driving, and people traveling to space. In our small world, we didn’t even have cell phones yet. Somehow, All of a sudden, the dreams of 20 years ago began to come true.

Moreover, each new development takes place in a much shorter time than the previous one. Our world is changing in many ways and a completely different future is being constructed for us. In this week’s Webtekno Library corner; will enable you to better understand our age and the future We propose 10 books. If there are any books you want to recommend after browsing our list, don’t forget to share them with us. Enjoyable reading now.

Must-read books that will help you understand our time and the future

As you know, artificial intelligence is now one of the most important agendas of the world. With the countless solutions it offers and the convenience it provides, it is almost included in many areas of our lives. seeing artificial intelligence much more closely; If you want to understand what kind of change a person has experienced in this process, you can use Humanity 2.0. you should definitely read it.

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Apart from the impact of science and technology on our daily lives, important studies are being carried out to illuminate the future, even though we do not feel it much. Physics in order to understand both the universe and man It is one of the most extensively researched areas. With this book, we provide an easy-to-read introduction to the depths of physical science trying to unravel the secret of the universe.

Concepts like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the Higgs boson aren’t all that foreign to any of us. Higgs and Cern – From the Big Bang to the Higgs Boson, The LHC’s Adventure, grounded in particle physics It allows us to understand the point of modern science and physics much more fluently.

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Of course, when it comes to understanding the age and the future, the field we do the most research about is artificial intelligence is happening. As such, the subject that creates the most question marks in minds becomes artificial intelligence again. Artificial Intelligence in 50 Questions, written by Cem Say, faculty member of Boğaziçi University Computer Engineering Department, is one of the books where you can get the most fluent details on this subject.

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Another book that will make physics lovers happy is Beyond Einstein. The book, which is basically based on the discovery of super particles and deals with the subject in detail, makes it easier for you to understand by examining all the details about the subject from Einstein to the present. One of the most important steps of understanding the future and keeping up with the times is to understand the universe we live in. If you set out to do this, Beyond Einstein will be a good companion for you.

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It has a slightly different axis than the other books on the list. ‘Post-Truth Age’, instead of focusing on technology and science and its benefits, it tries to understand people. Humanity, which is constantly evolving sociologically; While getting closer and closer to reality thanks to science, it is dragged into a psychological evolution that rejects it. The Post-Truth Age guides this by saying that one must first examine one’s own development.

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Would you like to read the stories of geniuses, entrepreneurs, a wide and intriguing audience, from first software developers to hackers, who made the world we live in as it is now with ideas and science? Future Explorers, Ada Lovelace, Charles Babbage, Robert Noyce, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Larry Page It is a successful work that tells the inspiring stories of many influential names such as.

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Bill Gates”Fascinating. It lays the foundation for understanding human history.“The Gun, Germ and Steel, which is a book that sheds light on the 13 thousand-year history of humanity in the world, is one of the books that enlightens the past and helps us understand the future. If you want to take a look at the history of humanity through scientific data in an easily understandable language, you can add it to your list.”

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Undoubtedly, one of the most discussed topics about the future artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics There are dystopian scenarios where it comes together. Will humanity always be able to use all these technologies it has developed for its own benefit? For a detailed look at this intriguing question, ‘Technology vs. Humanity’ is an impressive option.

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Communication is one of the areas where technology has changed the most in our lives today. The way we communicate has changed compared to 5 years ago, let alone 100 years ago. History of Communication, our changing forms of communication and the effect of communication on all these developments and changes. an eye-opening perspective offers.

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One of the best works for understanding the universe is Cosmos. While searching for answers to the questions in your mind, allowing you to constantly ask new questions If you haven’t read this cult piece, we suggest you add it to your list as soon as possible.

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